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Dissertation Council operating on a permanent basis under DLNP
JINR Order "On the Establishment of the Dissertation Council for Nuclear Physics" 29.08.2022


  • 1.3.2 - Instrumentation and Methods of Experimental Physics in Physics and Mathematics
  • 1.3.15 - Physics of Atomic Nuclei and Elementary Particles; High Energy Physics in Physics and Mathematics
  • 1.3.18 - Charged Particle Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology in Physics and Mathematics

Dissertation Council Chairpersons:

Dissertation Council Chairperson Nikolai Russakovich
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Deputy Chairperson Vladimir Glagolev
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Deputy Chairperson Alexander Olshevskiy
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Scientific Secretary Galina Karamysheva
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Vadim Bednyakov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Leonid Gladilin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Sergey Ershov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Vyacheslav Zhabitsky DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Vladimir Komarov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Sergei Kostromin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Anatoly Kulikov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Yuri Kulchitsky DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Igor Meshkov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Dmitry Naumov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Evgeny Strokovsky DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Evgeny Syresin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Igor Tyapkin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Grigori Shirkov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)

Full nameAcademic degree appliedSpeciality and Dissertaiton fieldStatus of the dissertationAnnouncement DateDefense dateDissertation defense announcementMaterials of dissertation defense
Сороковиков Максим НиколаевичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Accepted for defense9.10.202412.12.2024
Шалюгин Андрей НиколаевичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Accepted for defense11.7.202417.10.2024
Зимин Илья ЮрьевичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense11.7.202410.10.2024
Смирнов Олег ЮрьевичDoctor of Science1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense24.5.20243.10.2024
Шешуков Андрей СергеевичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense30.10.202318.1.2024
Гридин Андрей ОлеговичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense24.10.202321.12.2023
Самигуллин Эдуард ИльгизаровичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense14.7.20235.10.2023
Вишнева Алина ВадимовнаDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense13.7.20239.11.2023
Пономарев Дмитрий ВладимировичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense13.7.202326.10.2023
Гридин Андрей ОлеговичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Якушев Евгений АлександровичDoctor of Science1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense1.12.20227.2.2023
Прусаченко Павел СергеевичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense3.11.202217.1.2023
Гонгадзе Алекси Doctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense23.12.202125.2.2022
Кручонок Владимир ГеннадьевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense27.10.202128.12.2021
Цирков Дмитрий АлексеевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.16
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense12.7.202127.10.2021
Денисенко Игорь ИгоревичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.16
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense12.7.202120.10.2021
Какорин Игорь ДмитриевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense12.7.202122.9.2021
Кичанов Сергей ЕвгеньевичDoctor of Science01.04.01
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense12.7.20216.10.2021
Агапов Алексей ВалерьевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense21.4.202125.6.2021
Бабкин Вадим АндреевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense17.2.202120.4.2021
Каржавин Владимир ЮрьевичDoctor of Science01.04.01
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense30.12.202011.3.2021
Анфимов Николай ВладимировичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense30.12.20204.3.2021
Шипулин Константин НиколаевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense16.12.202025.2.2021
Атанов Николай ВасильевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense16.12.202025.2.2021
Полковников Михаил КонстантиновичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense15.12.202018.2.2021
Лисин Сергей СергеевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.16
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense14.12.202018.2.2021
Никифоров Дмитрий НиколаевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense15.1.202024.9.2020