Dissertation Council operating on a permanent basis under VBLHEP
JINR Order №13 "On the Establishment of the Dissertation Council for Particle Physics" 12.01.2024


  • 1.3.15 - Physics of Atomic Nuclei and Elementary Particles; High Energy Physics in Physics and Mathematics
  • 1.3.18 - Charged Particle Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology in Technical Sciences and Physics and Mathematics
  • 1.3.2 - Instrumentation and Methods of Experimental Physics in Technical Sciences

Dissertation Council Chairpersons:

Dissertation Council Chairperson Alexander Malakhov
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Technical Sciences)
Deputy Chairperson Sergei Kostromin
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Scientific Secretary Valentin Arefiev
PhD in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Sergei Avdeyev DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Nikolai Agapov DrSc in Technical Sciences
(1.3.18, in Technical Sciences)
Anton Baldin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Technical Sciences)
Boris Batyunya DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Alexander Vodopyanov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Boris Gikal DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Vyacheslav Zhabitsky DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Technical Sciences)
Pavel Zarubin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Mikhail Kapishin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Galina Karamysheva DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Technical Sciences)
Vladimir Kekelidze DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Technical Sciences)
Vladimir Ladygin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Georgi Melkumov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Igor Meshkov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.18, in Technical Sciences)
Vasily Parkhomchuk DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Sergey Sadovsky DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.15, in Physics and Mathematics)
Vitaly Smirnov DrSc in Technical Sciences
(1.3.2, in Technical Sciences)
Evgeny Strokovsky DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Technical Sciences)
DrSc in Technical Sciences
(1.3.18, in Technical Sciences)
Evgeny Syresin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.18, in Technical Sciences)
Sergey Tiutiunnikov DrSc in Technical Sciences
(1.3.18, in Technical Sciences)
Igor Tyapkin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Technical Sciences)
Boris Sharkov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)
Grigori Shirkov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.18, in Physics and Mathematics)

Full nameAcademic degree appliedSpeciality and Dissertaiton fieldStatus of the dissertationAnnouncement DateDefense dateDissertation defense announcementMaterials of dissertation defense
Филиппов Александр ВикторовичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Accepted for defense6.2.202510.4.2025
Понкин Дмитрий ОлеговичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.18
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense26.12.202420.2.2025
Шемчук Андрей ВасильевичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.18
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense4.7.20243.10.2024
Плотников Василий АлександровичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense4.7.202424.10.2024
Шандов Михаил МихайловичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense8.4.202420.6.2024
Крышень Евгений ЛеонидовичDoctor of Science1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense29.3.20246.6.2024
Абраамян Хачик УнановичDoctor of Science1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense27.3.202430.5.2024
Киреев Виктор АлександровичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.15
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense29.11.202216.3.2023
Левтеров Константин АлександровичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense29.11.20222.3.2023
Тузиков Алексей ВасильевичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense29.11.202216.2.2023
Смирнов Виктор ЛеонидовичDoctor of Science01.04.20
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense11.5.202221.7.2022
Лебедев Валерий АнатольевичDoctor of Science01.04.20
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense11.5.202214.7.2022
Сумбаев Анатолий ПавловичDoctor of Science01.04.20
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense21.3.202226.5.2022
Терехин Аркадий АркадьевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.16
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense28.9.20203.12.2020
Омельяненко Михаил МихайловичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.20
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense29.11.201927.2.2020