JINR Order on refusal to revoke the degree of Candidate of Sciences I.D. Kokorin
Meeting on the issue of deprivation of the academic degree of I.D. Kokorin
On holding a meeting on the deprivation of the academic degree of I.D. Kokorin
Joint meeting of the JINR Qualification and Expert Commissions to consider the issue of depriving Igor Dmitrievich Kakorin of the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences awarded by the decision of the JINR Dissertation Council.03.02.2019.P dated September 22, 2021 No. 11 based on the results of the defense of the dissertation "Development and improvement of separation-free flowmeters of multiphase flows for cryogenic cooling systems of high energy physics accelerators and the oil and gas industry" will be held on July 28, 2022 at 15:00 at the address: Dubna, Joliot-Curie str., d. 6, Meeting room of the JINR House of Scientists.
Approval of the composition of the Expert Commission to review the application for the deprivation of the academic degree of I.D. Kokorin
Consideration of the application for the deprivation of the academic degree of I.D. Kokorin
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