Dissertation Council operating on a permanent basis under MLIT
JINR Order "On the Establishment of the Dissertation Council for IT and Computational Physics" 29.08.2022


  • 1.2.2 - Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods and Programming Complexes in Physics and Mathematics
  • 2.3.5 - Mathematics and Software for Computing Systems, Complexes and Computer Networks in Technical Sciences

Dissertation Council Chairpersons:

Dissertation Council Chairperson Vladimir Korenkov
DrSc in Technical Sciences
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Deputy Chairperson Alexander Gusev
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Deputy Chairperson
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Scientific Secretary Elena Zemlyanaya
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Pavel Akishin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Alexander Bogdanov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Alexander Bugay DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Vladimir Voevodin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Michal Hnatič DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Alexander Degtyarev DrSc in Technical Sciences
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Victor Ivanov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Viacheslav Ilyin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Yuri Kalinovsky DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Alexander Kryanev DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Victor Lakhno DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Alexander Malakhov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Vladimir Melezhik DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Gennady Ososkov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Leonid Sevastyanov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(2.3.5, in Technical Sciences)
Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.2.2, in Physics and Mathematics)

Full nameAcademic degree appliedSpeciality and Dissertaiton fieldStatus of the dissertationAnnouncement DateDefense dateDissertation defense announcementMaterials of dissertation defense
Белов Сергей ДмитриевичDoctor of Philosophy2.3.5
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense31.10.202420.12.2024
Гордеев Иван СергеевичDoctor of Philosophy1.2.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense4.10.202428.11.2024
Ленивенко Василиса ВикторовнаDoctor of Philosophy1.2.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense4.10.202428.11.2024
Александров Евгений ИгоревичDoctor of Philosophy2.3.5
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense12.5.202330.6.2023
Войтишин Николай НиколаевичDoctor of Philosophy1.2.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense12.5.202330.6.2023
Степанов Евгений ПавловичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.11
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense10.6.202215.7.2022
Волохова Алина ВикторовнаDoctor of Philosophy05.13.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense13.5.202215.7.2022
Намиот Дмитрий ЕвгеньевичDoctor of Science05.13.11
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense17.1.20228.4.2022
Олейник Данила АнатольевичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.11
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense7.10.202122.12.2021
Петросян Артем ШмавоновичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.11
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense23.3.202121.5.2021
Нечаевский Андрей ВасильевичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.11
in Technical Sciences
Successful defense23.3.202121.5.2021
Сапожников Андрей АлександровичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense5.11.202023.12.2020
Айриян Александр СержиковичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense30.10.202023.12.2020
Шефов Константин СергеевичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense26.6.202015.9.2020
Гагин Антон ВикторовичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense26.6.202015.9.2020