Dissertation Council operating on a permanent basis under FLNP
JINR Order "On the Establishment of the Dissertation Council for Condensed Matter Physics" 29.08.2022
JINR Order "On amendments to the Dissertation Council for Condensed Matter Physics 21.12.2023"


  • 1.3.2 - Instrumentation and Methods of Experimental Physics in Physics and Mathematics
  • 1.3.8 - Condensed Matter Physics in Physics and Mathematics

Dissertation Council Chairpersons:

Dissertation Council Chairperson Boris Sharkov
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Deputy Chairperson Mikhail Avdeev
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
Scientific Secretary Tatiana Ivankina
PhD in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
Victor Aksenov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
Pavel Apel DrSc in Chemistry sciences
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Anatoly Balagurov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
Alexander Belushkin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
Yury Gledenov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Mikhail Kiselev DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
Denis Kozlenko DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
Sergey Kulikov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Norbert Kučerka DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Yurii Nikitenko DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Vladimir Skuratov DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)
Alexander Frank DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Evgeny Shabalin DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.2, in Physics and Mathematics)
Viktor Yushankhai DrSc in Physics and Mathematics
(1.3.8, in Physics and Mathematics)

Full nameAcademic degree appliedSpeciality and Dissertaiton fieldStatus of the dissertationAnnouncement DateDefense dateDissertation defense announcementMaterials of dissertation defense
Бокучава Гизо ДазмировичDoctor of Science1.3.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense6.11.202429.1.2025
Бурковский Роман ГеоргиевичDoctor of Science1.3.8
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense6.11.202422.1.2025
Садилов Валентин ВикторовичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense22.7.202423.9.2024
Куракин Сергей АлександровичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.8
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense4.6.202423.9.2024
Подлесный Максим МихайловичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense19.9.202320.11.2023
Нгуен Ван Тьеп Doctor of Philosophy1.3.8
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense28.5.20237.7.2023
Лычагин Егор ВалерьевичDoctor of Science1.3.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense10.2.202324.4.2023
Гремячкин Дмитрий ЕвгеньевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense25.5.20224.7.2022
Еременко Максим ВикторовичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense15.10.202120.12.2021
Матвеев Василий АлександровичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense15.9.202120.12.2021
Иоффе Александр ИсааковичDoctor of Science01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Withdrawn from defense9.9.202125.11.2021
Белозерова Надежда МахмудовнаDoctor of Philosophy01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense13.7.202111.10.2021
Жакетов Владимир ДмитриевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense29.6.202121.9.2021
Тропин Тимур ВасильевичDoctor of Science01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense29.6.202121.9.2021
Кожевников Сергей ВасильевичDoctor of Science01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense14.1.202028.9.2020
Яшина Екатерина ГеннадьевнаDoctor of Philosophy01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense14.1.20207.9.2020
Руткаускас Антон ВладимировичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense7.12.201910.2.2020
Даваасурэн Сумхуу Doctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense7.10.201927.12.2019
Цолмон Цогтсайхан Doctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Successful defense7.10.20192.12.2019
Садилов Валентин ВикторовичDoctor of Philosophy1.3.2
in Physics and Mathematics
Withdrawn from defense