Dissertation defense announcements
Full name | Academic degree applied | Speciality and Dissertaiton field | Council reference | Announcement Date | Defense date | Dissertation defense announcement |
Гридин Андрей Олегович | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.15 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.03.01.2022.П | 24.10.2023 | 21.12.2023 | |
Шнейдман Тимур Маркович | Doctor of Science | 1.3.15 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.01.04.2023.Р | 24.10.2023 | 27.12.2023 | |
Тезекбаева Мерейгуль | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.15 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.03.02.2022.П | 26.9.2023 | 1.12.2023 | |
Соловьев Дмитрий Игоревич | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.2 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.03.02.2022.П | 26.9.2023 | 1.12.2023 Protocol for the transfer of the thesis defense pdf, 526 KB | |
Подлесный Максим Михайлович | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.2 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.04.01.2022.П | 19.9.2023 | 20.11.2023 | |
Самигуллин Эдуард Ильгизарович | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.15 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.03.01.2022.П | 14.7.2023 | 5.10.2023 | |
Вишнева Алина Вадимовна | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.15 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.03.01.2022.П | 13.7.2023 | 9.11.2023 | |
Пономарев Дмитрий Владимирович | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.15 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.03.01.2022.П | 13.7.2023 | 26.10.2023 | |
Энхболд Сансарбаяр | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.15 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.03.02.2022.П | 12.7.2023 | 15.9.2023 | |
Мартыненко Федор Алексеевич | Doctor of Philosophy | 1.3.3 in Physics and Mathematics | ОИЯИ.01.03.2023.Р | 10.7.2023 | 1.11.2023 |