Full nameAcademic degree appliedSpeciality
and Dissertaiton field
Council referenceAnnouncement DateDefense dateDissertation defense announcement
Шефов Константин СергеевичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Гагин Антон ВикторовичDoctor of Philosophy05.13.18
in Physics and Mathematics
Ракитянский Сергей АнатольевичDoctor of Science01.04.02
in Physics and Mathematics
Protocol for the transfer of the thesis defense
pdf, 555 KB and the appointment of a new date pdf, 1 MB
Никифоров Дмитрий НиколаевичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Technical Sciences
Protocol for the transfer of the thesis defense
pdf, 447 KB and the appointment of a new date pdf, 472 KB
Кожевников Сергей ВасильевичDoctor of Science01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Protocol for the transfer of the thesis defense
pdf, 408 KB and the appointment of a new date pdf, 1 MB
Яшина Екатерина ГеннадьевнаDoctor of Philosophy01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Protocol for the transfer of the thesis defense
pdf, 431 KB and the appointment of a new date pdf, 1 MB
Ганев Хубен ГаневDoctor of Science01.04.16
in Physics and Mathematics
Protocol for the transfer of the thesis defense
pdf, 951 KB and the appointment of a new date pdf, 784 KB
Руткаускас Антон ВладимировичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.07
in Physics and Mathematics
Омельяненко Михаил МихайловичDoctor of Philosophy01.04.20
in Technical Sciences
Даваасурэн Сумхуу Doctor of Philosophy01.04.01
in Physics and Mathematics
Protocol for the transfer of the thesis defense
pdf, 1 MB